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Senior Employment Program
Also known as the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP)
The Senior Employment program provides training and work experiences for adults 55 and older that are currently unemployed and looking to update their skills. This program helps seniors find work. It offers a variety of work experiences -- for example: teacher’s aides, nurse’s aides, library clerks, adult/child day care assistance, and maintenance workers.
If you're eligible for the Senior Employment program, you're likely eligible for other services as well! Use our service matching tool to find the services right for you.
Review Eligibility
- Legal resident of Tennessee
- Above the age of 55
- Low income
- Unemployed
Gather Required documents
Provide proof of:
Hover over each item to learn more
Social Security Number
Your Identification
Citizenship Status
Date of Birth
Low Income Status
Get Started Next steps to enroll
- Create an account on Jobs4TN
- Find a location near you and request an appointment with a case manager. You can do so on our Find an American Job Center page
- Bring your documents with you to your appointment!
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