Help for Trade Impacted Workers
Assistance to workers who have been adversely affected by foreign trade!
If you have recently lost your job due to foreign trade, there are services that can help you find and prepare for a new job. Learn if you're eligible for services by selecting a service and exploring the different programs that provide each service. Click on "match with services" above to use our service matcher!

Assistance to workers who have been adversely affected by foreign trade!
If you have recently lost your job due to foreign trade, there are services that can help you find and prepare for a new job. Learn if you're eligible for services by selecting a service and exploring the different programs that provide each service. Click on "match with services" above to use our service matcher!
Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC)
If you are between the ages of 55 and 65 and have lost your job due to foreign trade, you may be eligible for the Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC). HCTC is a federal tax credit administered by the IRS that pays for most of the cost of qualified health insurance for eligible taxpayers and their family members. (As of 2023) This coverage is no longer available, but it may return in the future. This article remains as simply a reference.

Workforce Development Program for Individuals Affected by Foreign Trade
This program provides education and employment opportunities for workers who have lost their job due to foreign trade. Individuals can us this program to get the skills, resources, and support they need to find a new job.
This program is considered a work-first program. So, searching for a suitable job is required before some services can be requested. You must be covered by a federally Certified Trade Petition to request services.
Job Search Allowance
Receive reimbursement for cost of seeking employment outside of your commuting area (10+ miles away).

Workforce Development Program for Individuals Affected by Foreign Trade
This program provides education and employment opportunities for workers who have lost their job due to foreign trade. Individuals can us this program to get the skills, resources, and support they need to find a new job.
This program is considered a work-first program. So, searching for a suitable job is required before some services can be requested. You must be covered by a federally Certified Trade Petition to request services.
Re-employment Services for Trade-Impacted Workers
Get help finding new work after a layoff. This may include employment counseling, resume writing and interview skills workshops, career assessment, job search assistance, job referrals, and more.

Workforce Development Program for Individuals Affected by Foreign Trade
This program provides education and employment opportunities for workers who have lost their job due to foreign trade. Individuals can us this program to get the skills, resources, and support they need to find a new job.
This program is considered a work-first program. So, searching for a suitable job is required before some services can be requested. You must be covered by a federally Certified Trade Petition to request services.
Relocation Allowance
Get support covering reasonable and necessary expenses for a pre-approved move if a new job requires you to relocate more than 50 miles away.

Workforce Development Program for Individuals Affected by Foreign Trade
This program provides education and employment opportunities for workers who have lost their job due to foreign trade. Individuals can us this program to get the skills, resources, and support they need to find a new job.
This program is considered a work-first program. So, searching for a suitable job is required before some services can be requested. You must be covered by a federally Certified Trade Petition to request services.
Supplemental Wages for Trade Impacted Workers
Get extra money (“wage subsidy”) if you lost your job due to foreign trade and you are over the age of 50. This service is also known as Reemployment Trade Adjustment Assistance or "RTAA". (As of 2023) this subsidy is no longer available, but may return in the future. This article remains as a reference.

Workforce Development Program for Individuals Affected by Foreign Trade
This program provides education and employment opportunities for workers who have lost their job due to foreign trade. Individuals can us this program to get the skills, resources, and support they need to find a new job.
This program is considered a work-first program. So, searching for a suitable job is required before some services can be requested. You must be covered by a federally Certified Trade Petition to request services.